Cumbria Tyre Specialist Ltd Unit 4 Durranhill Industrial Estate, Peacock Road, Carlisle, CA1 3UD 01228 514940
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4 Wheel Hunter Alignment

Wheel alignment, also known as tracking, ensures that your vehicle handles correctly and is set following your vehicle’s manufacturer specifications.

Hitting kerbs and potholes has a massive impact on your wheel alignment.  Experience tells us that wheel misalignment can cause handling and safety problems and shorten the life of your tyres, as well has reducing fuel efficiency.

 If you notice steering pulling and unusual signs of wear on the inside or outside shoulders of the tyres, this is an indication of poorly aligned wheels. If in doubt pop in and see us for a tyre check.

Cumbria Tyre Specialist Ltd, Carlisle recommend a Hunter 4-Wheel Alignment service, which accurately measures up to 14 primary wheel angles and compares them with the original specifications of your vehicle. If any differences are found, we can correct these by adjusting your car’s steering and suspension settings, ensuring your vehicle is re-set and ready to go.

Contact us today on 01228 514940 for more information on our 4-Wheel Alignment Service using our Hunter specialist equipment by trained professionals.

Book 4 Wheel Hunter Alignment with Cumbria Tyre Specialist Ltd

4 Wheel Hunter Alignment

The simple act of banging a kerb or hitting a pothole can skew your wheel alignment. Poorly aligned wheels result in irregular and accelerated tyre wear and can affect the handling and safety of your vehicle.

Let us give you peace of mind and ensure you get the maximum wear from your new tyres by ensuring the wheels are correctly aligned. Hunter Alignment uses precision optical cameras to ensure wheels are aligned properly


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